Unlock Your
Staked Liquidity
Earn staking rewards while unlocking endless
opportunities to make the most of your assets
What is Liquid Finance?
Liquid Finance is a non-custodial staking protocol that auto-compounds your staking rewards while providing a liquid token to utilize across Archway and the broader Cosmos.
What is sARCH?
sARCH is a liquid token that's fungible and represents its underlying share of staked ARCH within the protocol. sARCH grows in value relative to native ARCH due to its accumulated rewards.
Stake ARCH
Deposit your ARCH tokens to help secure Archway and access staking rewards
Receive sARCH
Receive liquid sARCH tokens to represent your share of deposits and start accumulating rewards
Endless Possibilities
Utilize sARCH across a wide variety of opportunities within Archway and the broader Cosmos
Auto-Compounded Rewards
Start accumulating rewards without ever needing to claim
Diversified Staking Delegation
Support network decentralization
Instant Unstaking Option
Avoid the long unbonding period
Maximize Your Yield
Use sARCH across the Archway ecosystem to earn additional rewards
Your ARCH tokens to receive sARCH and immediately start accumulating rewards
Your sARCH tokens with our instant unstake feature or use traditional unstaking
Provide Liquidity
Provide your ARCH tokens to the Liquidity queue to earn ARCH rewards and use our “Compound” feature for passive LPing
Liquid Finance delegates staked ARCH across a wide range of trusted Validators
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